Measureing intensity on a surface


Measureing intensity on a surface#

This example shows how to measure the intensity of a surface. The surface is defined by a set of points(vertices) and a set of triangles. The intensity is measured by averaging the intensity along the normal vectors of the vertices.

from napari_stress import sample_data, reconstruction, measurements, vectors
import numpy as np
import napari
import napari_process_points_and_surfaces as nppas

Example data#

We first need to create a surface. In this tutorial, we take the 3d image of the 4d droplet sample dataset and quickly reconstruct a surface from it using the droplet reconstruction toolbox.

viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=3)
WARNING: DirectWrite: CreateFontFaceFromHDC() failed (Indicates an error in an input file such as a font file.) for QFontDef(Family="", pointsize=12, pixelsize=16, styleHint=5, weight=50, stretch=100, hintingPreference=0) LOGFONT("MS Sans Serif", lfWidth=0, lfHeight=-16) dpi=192
Assistant skips harvesting pyclesperanto as it's not installed.
droplet = sample_data.get_droplet_4d()[0][0][0]  # take only first timepoint
result = reconstruction.reconstruct_droplet(droplet, voxelsize=np.asarray([2,1,1]),

points_refined = result[1]
<Points layer 'points_patch_fitted' at 0x21e2e830310>

We now create surface from the reconstructed points:

surface = nppas.reconstruct_surface_from_pointcloud(points_refined[0], point_influence_radius=3)
surface_smoothed = nppas.smooth_surface(surface, number_of_iterations=50)
surface_decimated = nppas.decimate_quadric(surface_smoothed, fraction=0.01)
viewer.add_surface(surface_decimated, name='surface')
<Surface layer 'surface' at 0x21e390e2460>

We now measure intensity on the surface. The measured values are simply the intensities on the surface. We can add some more metrics (mean, std, min, max) to results:

measured_intensities = measurements.measure_intensity_on_surface(surface_decimated,
                                                                 measurement_range = 3,
                                                                 sampling_distance=0.5, interpolation_method='linear')

intensity_mean = measured_intensities.mean(axis=1)
intensity_std = measured_intensities.std(axis=1)
intensity_max = measured_intensities.max(axis=1)
intensity_min = measured_intensities.min(axis=1)

measured_intensities['intensity_mean'] = intensity_mean
measured_intensities['intensity_std'] = intensity_std
measured_intensities['intensity_max'] = intensity_max
measured_intensities['intensity_min'] = intensity_min
step_0 step_1 step_2 step_3 step_4 step_5 intensity_mean intensity_std intensity_max intensity_min
0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2.073816 1.741672 1.556584 2.061948 2.486952 2.488122 2.068182 0.379508 2.488122 1.556584
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.074535 2.380500 2.227518 0.216350 2.380500 2.074535
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1.784309 1.841072 1.959644 2.457736 2.915513 3.132810 2.348514 0.578892 3.132810 1.784309
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3817 1.438423 1.358750 1.148286 1.165844 1.228114 1.679308 1.336454 0.202334 1.679308 1.148286
3818 1.406055 1.423770 1.353826 1.381173 1.443050 1.847044 1.475820 0.184552 1.847044 1.353826
3819 1.049756 1.598631 2.340689 2.515378 2.466083 2.561888 2.088737 0.621522 2.561888 1.049756
3820 1.030905 1.653047 2.326920 2.521014 2.592958 2.664872 2.131619 0.652314 2.664872 1.030905
3821 1.012986 1.195145 1.533043 1.718693 1.795250 2.158125 1.568874 0.417343 2.158125 1.012986

3822 rows × 10 columns

viewer.add_surface((surface_decimated[0], surface_decimated[1], measured_intensities['intensity_max'].values),
                   name='surface_intensity_max', colormap='inferno')
<Surface layer 'surface_intensity_max' at 0x21e39e71760>